Writer | Filmmaker

Political Commentary

Noah’s writing on politics and public affairs


Political Commentary

Noah CNN appearance.jpg

Legend says that while conferring with Roosevelt at Quebec, Churchill sent Keynes a cable reading, “Am coming around to your point of view.” His Lordship replied, “Sorry to hear it. Have started to change my mind.”

My political perspective is idiosyncratic; I often say I’m temperamentally conservative but pragmatically liberal and increasingly on the left. Or perhaps I’m just a mugwump. Regardless of how one might describe it, my political writing ranges across a host of subjects, from political strategy to foreign and domestic policy to more in-depth analysis of the drivers of political change.

My work appears most frequently at The Week, where I am a columnist. From 2017 to 2012, I was a senior editor and featured blogger at The American Conservative; prior to that, I blogged regularly at The American Scene, founded by Ross Douthat, now a columnist at The New York Times, and Reihan Salam, now the president of The Manhattan Institute.

Archives for my work at these outlets can be found here:

The Week
The American Conservative
The American Scene

My political writing has also appeared in Politico, The New Republic, the New York Times Book Review, Foreign Policy, USA Today and The Economist, among other places.

highlights in political commentary